Amphion Xenon vs Usher 6381

Looking to upgrade and I'd here your thoughts on these speakers. Both have gotten great press. Thanks in advance.
I agree it is impossible to judge speakers unless it is in the same room with the same electronics. I'm selling a system just for that reason.

I will be auditioning both speakers and seeing if I can get a 30 day home audition with both speakers and Bel Canto Pre & Power Amps.

The point of this thread is to here what people think about these 2 different speakers. Pros and cons of metal drivers vs paper, dynamics, soundstage, resolution, etc. Thanks in advance.

I have got Xenons and know Usher.

I have occasion to listen to my Xenons with Bel Canto Evo4 power amp and the sound was lean. Although I am big fun of Amphion I recommend Usher speakers.

But remember Usher needs lots of space.
I own the Xenons. Although they sound very good, they do not sound as good as they did at the dealer. However I have not spent a lot of time and energy doing anything with the room. Are you guys keeping the foam in the ports?
You write about the foam so I think you have got the problems with bass.
The best result I achive by placing speakers with woofers outside, without the foam.
Yeah, that is how I have mine set up. thanks. by the way I am using them with a Cayin AT88 integrated.