Speaker suggestions

Looking for speaker suggesestions. My listening area is roughly 12' by 15'. Speakers are on the long wall on either side of a wall unit, abut 10' apart. Couch is about 10' from the speakers. I am using 140wpc solid state amp. Music tastes are broad, lots of jazz, female vocals, reggae,R&B, R&R.

The problem I have is that I can't place the speakers more than about 2' from the wall without really intruding into the living space (and annoying my wife). So that rules out many, if not all, rear-ported speakers. I am currently using a pair of Vienna Acoustics Beethovens, which I think sound fantastic-most of the time. However, I find the bass "boomy" on a lot of music, and I have come to the conclusion that the problem is that the speakers are too close to the wall. They may also simply be too big for the space.

I am looking in the 3K range and have looked at Silverline, Joseph Audio, Gershman and some others. Any thoughts?

Mezzrow, I'm using a Simaudio Moon I-5 integrated with the Devores. It's rated at 70 watts into 8 ohms and drives them very easily.
Mezzro - a would try to locate a pair of Gradiant Revolutions for this application. They are resolving, and have the ability to "tune" the lower frequescies depending on placement within the room and rear wall that makes them a good choice for your application. Problem is - there are very few dealers of this fine line of speakers, so auditioning might be a chore. Good luck!
My room dimensions are similiar. I have Von Schweikert Jrs., also on either side of a cabinet and very close to the wall. They sound really good and can be had used for $2700.