Upgrading crossover?

Has anyone done an upgrade to factory speaker crossover with better quality components and got good results?
I had opportunity to look at the crossover while upgrading friend’s PMC FB1 to + version, and I noticed that components were not of a high quality, inductors with ferrite core, electrolytic caps, resistors of 5%.
What are your thoughts of replacing these elements with better quality ones of the same value, inductors with air core (for example Alpha core Ribbon inductors), Solen caps, etc?
Always a good idea to upgrade if you are up to it. I've done about 15 different pairs with great results. Always make a quick schematic of the crossover so you don't confuse wiring and components. Do only one speaker at a time and try it first, then proceed if successful, otherwise use the unmodified crossover as the template.

If you are doing $300-$500 range the Solens are great. Above that go to the Auricaps. Rewire with better cable.

Might pack corners with rope caulking (Mortite)to dampen cabinet. If the speakers are biwirable, internally solder for only one set of terminals. Use good quality silver solder, not lead. Have fun.
If the speakers are more expensive, often times even if the parts seem cheap they have been handselected to meet close tolerances. However, I have always upgraded the crossovers on used or speakers I've purchased at closeout prices. Just changing the crossover caps and putting in good wire makes a large difference worth the 40 to 80 dollars spent. (kimber cable 8vs ,if thats the blue and black wire, was always made a a great hookup wire). Anyway the upgrades have always I have a pair of sound dynamics rts-5s that I modified, and there are fairly good pics of the crossove if u want to take a gander.
Please bear in mind that series resistance in inductors are a integral part of any serious cross-over design, so replacing inductors shoud be done with the outmost care. Other than that have fun.
Greetings, I now this is a little off your thread, but you also may want to consider upgrading your speakers internal wiring.

I recently rewired my Klipsch LaScalas', whose original wiring was still like new. I used DH Labs hookup wire. Total cost was about $70.00.

The improvement was considerable, I would have never believed that just upgrading wire could make such a difference. Happy Listening