What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?

Hi, Gang,
I response to my recent review of the Reference 3A De Capo BE speaker, someone wrote that if you really want to hear them sing, you should try them with a SET amp, or words to that effect.
That got me thinking. The De Capo's are 92 db efficient, which (correct me if I'm wrong) seems kind of borderline for low-power SET amps.
In any event, right now I'm running mine with a pair of Manley Mahi mono-blocks. They are switchable from triode (20 watts) to "ultra linear" (40 watts). I run them in triode all the time, and in my room, the volume knob almost never goes past 9 o'clock; more would just be too loud.
All that said, what do you guys think of running the De Capo's with a SET amp? And if I did, what's the best bargain in SET's these days?
Well you have put forth a clear summary of the tradeoffs that exist. David's SET is less money for the reasons you listed. I suspect you'd love the Dynamo but may maintain "what if" possibilities about the 300b difference. David's SET is not much more money and gets you a 300b amp. The Dynamo has the highly regarded Coincident name, quality and support. If the Commonsense SET is as good as it seems, it's a great opportunity. Somewhere down the road get top quality 300b tubes and you'll have something special.
You really began what's become a very good and interesting thread. It does raise real world purchasing issues. Buying components when it isn't possible to audition prior to paying for them. This was my situation over 5 years ago before buying the Frankensteins brand new. My very first post on this site in 2009 was seeking out owners of this amplifier. I was so inspired by their response and enthusiasm(some via private email) I took the chance. To say it worked out fine is an understatement. I realize it doesn't always turn out that way. I can relate to your position and that's why I try to contribute in some fashion.
You have been extremely helpful, thank you!
What do you think of the tube quality "issue" on the Audio Note kit?
Sounds like you are very curious about that Audio Nirvana amp, yes?
All legit concerns, Rebbi. In my experience, David does tend to be a bit hyperbolic as well, so take that for what it's worth. But what I heard sounded great, and given the topic at hand thought the AN was worth mentioning.

It sounds like this might come down to the question of pride of ownership and personal ethics, particularly if "Made in China" isn't an issue from a quality standpoint. I completely get that one. It's for that very reason I mostly stick with gear made by someone I can call on the phone, or with used gear (I figure the damage is already done there). I guess that's the byproduct of coming from a family comprised fairly equally of artisans and labor lawyers...I try my best to represent both camps in my personal choices whenever possible ;)
Look, this hobby (and industry) are full of colorful characters all over the place, and his confidence that there is simply nothing better out there - "the best speaker ever made, the best amp ever made" - well, take it for what it's worth.
Thanks for your understanding.