Best speaker for small 12x14 room 50 WPC tube amp

I had Spica TC-50's in this room but got no bass out of them; I switched to Klipsch RB 5-II's and got some bass if they were closer to the wall but lost any depth of soundstage.

I wondered whether a Klipsch RB-75 would do better than the RB 5-II overall, and whether they would need a subwoofer (as my amp has a sub output) as they are front ported instead of rear ported.

What would a pair of Klipsch RF-5's or RF-7's do in such a small room? I listen to jazz and vocals. I don't like the Klipsch speakers that are not real wood veneer. The RF-35 & RF-82 are vinyl covered.

The Klipsch forum attracts mainly fanatics and I have been unable to get a straight, helpful answer there.
I'm using the Reference 3A MM De Capo-i speakers in a small room [12 x 16]. I also moved from a 125 wpc SS amp to a 25 watt hybrid class A tube amp. I'm very pleased with the results. Check out the review of these speakers at and look no further. You might also want to check out, Reference 3A owners circle for more info about these loudspeakers.

Reference 3A MM De Capo-i, Improving On Greatness
Heresy's might be a good choice, but I suspect you will not get as much bass as you might like. I've owned both Heresy's and TC50's. One direction you might try if you are runing tubes is a Galante Rhapsody. It is a bit on the larger side of a monitor, much like the Heresy. In a small room they will produce what I perceive to be more bass than either TC50's or Heresys. Actual response figures don't necessarily reflect that with the Rhapsody's going down to 50hz before dropping off - they are rear-ported and I have them near corners (where else in a room that small) which may be reinforcing the bass. I have had all three pairs of speakers in the same small room a bit smaller than yours, and the Rhapsody's do best and are more refined than either Heresy or TC50. If you try the Heresy route there are many mods to do on those speakers that will improve their sound. Plenty written already about that subject in the archives here, and by the "fanatics" over on the klipsch site. They're great little speakers, but I have not found them to put out much low bass. I'd agree to raise them up and tilt them up by just a bit. I tried them on low stands, but that really kills the bass. Cornwalls would certainly be a good choice for bass, but are much larger than other options, and may even overload a small room. Forte II's may do the job as well. Chorus II's may also, but again, I'd be concerned about overloading the room at that point. I'd still point at the Rhapsody for a more refined sound, albeit not as fast as Klipsch horn options.

Good luck.

i have had dahlquist 10's and acoustat 3's in the same size room. Very different speakers but both sound better and have a nicer soundstage against the long wall. The 3's lack depth in this small room BUT the mid-bass is very detailed. The 10's have great width and depth but no mid-bass punch. I may try something else in the near future. Just wanted to provide input.
Gave up Cornwalls and Hereseys for Coincident Conquests. For monitors try the Truimph.