You may find this article interesting and possibly effective in your situation. I found myself in a similar situation. Large room (22 x 24), small speakers that are designed for a room less than half that size (Audio Physic Spark). I tried a zillion different speaker placement methods. The problem was always a thin presentation with little bass weight. Then I read this article, talked my wife into the idea and applied what I read and have been very happy ever since.
Good luck.
You may find this article interesting and possibly effective in your situation. I found myself in a similar situation. Large room (22 x 24), small speakers that are designed for a room less than half that size (Audio Physic Spark). I tried a zillion different speaker placement methods. The problem was always a thin presentation with little bass weight. Then I read this article, talked my wife into the idea and applied what I read and have been very happy ever since.
Good luck.