Quads - Just a couple of questions

I am considering replacing my long beloved Magge 1.6's with a new pair of Quads. (2805) Okay make that 3 questions.

1) How can I find my nearest dealer.
2) Can anyone tell me what to expect vis a vis my 1.6's (other than price)?
3) Power requirements / efficiency?
3. The Quads are both and inefficient and limited in thier abilty to handle power. You should pursue quality amp over sheer power.
2.You are tallking low level resolution vs the 1.6 s need to be played loud. Both are high level resolution. Both tend to beam frequencies verticallly.
1. Quad should have a website with dealer locator.
1) How can I find my nearest dealer.
From Quad's US distributer's web site (http://www.iagamerica.com/quad):
"Phone Quad directly on 781-341-1234 (option 4) to arrange an audition with your nearest stockist."

2) Can anyone tell me what to expect vis a vis my 1.6's (other than price)?
You can use them in a second system, give them away to a friend or family member or charity, sell them, whatever you wish. :)

3) Power requirements / efficiency?
May be best to discuss with Quad or the dealer.
1) try to find out the QUAD distributor and ask them;

2) the Quad will provide much greater transparency and tonal accuracy than the Mags. This does not mean you will like the Quad better but it is a far superior speaker in virtually every musically important area.

3) I believe the efficiency of the new Quads is around 87 dB and any good 50 wpc amp should be enough. With the Quad it is more a question of the quality of the amp than the amount of power available. I have always preferred them with tubes but I know several who have used good ss with considerable success.