Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp

I am curious to hear what people have to say about the subject. Feel free to vent.
Speakers can have more profound effect on the sound than an amp. Maybe a really tubey tube amp could be worse under certain situations but most for most people it's speakers.

SS amps are very similar usually if they are of high quality. Much more similar than two similarly priced speakers.
Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
I would agree with the hen/egg paradigm. HOWEVER, atmasphere gives a nice and simple overview of the matter.

In this light, a subjective solution to the conundrum is simple: single out which one of these two components is a favourite (as in, I love these spkrs! or, I love my amps).

The other component being incidental, we can choose whichever will perform with our "loved" one.
Remember, you are asking this question in the speaker forum. :-) However, I do agree with the overall sentiment expressed above that speakers determine the sound quality most.

Actually speakers first - you can get away with slighlty crappy amplification but the speakers have to be well-balanced. Then you need a amplifier that controls these 'great' speakers very well. If you have crappy control over speakers they'll sound flabby and loose...

It is not uncommon to have an amp that is twice the rated power that the speakers need - more control - just be very careful not to over-power the speakers...

Dewald Visser