Low volume bookshelf spkrs that go from 20 to 20k?

Hi folks, My daughter (9 years) is a discerning listener and a trained singer. I want to reward her with a nice stereo system. We listen to music at low volumes. I plan on buying speakers on my next trip to the US (daughter can not audition speakers). I do not want to compromise on quality but have a budget of about $ 1,500 for the speakers. The size of the room is about 14 feet square.

Speaker requirements:
Freq response: Should cover the audible range (20 to 20khz). I think this will keep my daughter happy.
Model: Bookshelf preferred (small room)

My questions:
Will I need a sub to complement the bookshelf speakers?
Are there bookshelf speakers that cover 20 to 20khz?
What models would you suggest for bookshelf and if required a sub. A 220 volt power supply for the sub will be ideal but not a must.

Appreciate your suggestions.

The bookshelfs speakers that will do the job are:

1. Totem Mani-2.

2. Dynaudio Special 25.

Both of them can ge bought here, used, but you may need to raise your budget. I will use the money set aside for a sub and go with either one of this two speakers. I do own the Mani-2 and they are incredible.
There is no bookshelf speaker that will provide usable response at 20hz. Also, a room that small won't allow 20hz
waves to properly propagate even if the speaker was up to it.
There are no bookshelf speakers on earth that can go to 20HZ in fact many extremely expensive speakers can't do it.

You will not need a subwoofer for a 14 foot square room. The small size and square shape will leed to severe standing waves and bass bloat.

If possible try to find a narrow floorstanding speaker system.

Resolution is the key to low volume. Resolution is dependent on the electronics. Try to find tube electronics which excel at low volumes.

Look at Dali loudspeakers which offer exceptional transparency and yet are warm and full bodied.
Two speaker makes come to mind which specifically seem to address the issue of constant sound quality acorss the volume spectrum - ie, they sound good at low, med or high volumes. Revel and Joseph audio - both make monitors that can be had in this price range. Revel especially.

Most speakers in my opinion do not maintain a consistent freq response curve at volume extremes and many sound lifeless at low volumes.

I would also say the a true bookshelf speaker is not going tp go down to 20hz - and if it came close it would vibrate itself and everything else right off the shelf! So assume you will need a subwoofer.

But if you are living in India (I'm guessing?) there are plenty of UK, French and Hong Kong products at 220v that might be easier to acquire than US brands.
Keep one other issue in mind: Your daughter's hearing is way better than the average middle aged male. What seems detailed in the high end to you will probably sound harsh to her? I would be careful on the electronics for that reason also.

Finally, kids love bass. They don't notice if it rolls off at 35hz. They just want to make it thump sometimes. Find her some fun looking gear?