Anyone Totally Content With Their System?

Thought this might be fun. Is anyone out there totally content right now with their system? If so, what is your set-up, total cost and how long did it take you to get to this utopia? I post this in the "Speakers" forum because that is my particular obesession for some reason.
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being content with a system, and enjoying listening to music are two entirely different things. it is posible to be a music lover and an audiophile, but hey, i can enjoy music coming from another home, my AM car radio, or my wife's table top in the kitchen with god knows what stacked in front of it. when it comes to my systems, its more about cool equipment that resembles (by definition)high fidelity. when the mood is right, the last thing i care about is the sorce.
Shadorne, are you talking about live ACOUSTIC performances like Mrtennis?

Absolutely, the real live symphony orchestra, opera, ballet, quartets and such. I will be the first to admit that the visual and spatial cues of real music in a real live venue are more REAL than from a stereo system but real does not for me equal better enjoyment if good seats, great acoustics and great musicianship are all too rare and performances are very expensive. A $20 CD makes me very content with my system and I think it is a great bargain compared to the mixed bag that I get live....not only can you get better quality sound but you get to pick the best performances from the best artists and bring them home. Furthermore you can hear more detail with repeated playings....something that you only get to do live if you actually are a musician yourself.

If I lived in Boston or Chicago then I admit that I might feel a bit differently. Perhaps I am too jaded by the quality of performances widely available on CD compared to the local symphony orchestra - perhaps it isn't fair on these local artists that they have to compete with World's best on a $20 CD...but that is the way it is.
Lets just say I was untill I took a 17 year old pre amp out of storage and put it in the system to test it so I could sell it. :(

So the journey begins again.
I have to admit - I am very content with what I have. Really! I have auditioned many, very expensive systems and I feel no need to upgrade!

There is probably something wrong with me...

Dewald Visser