Anyone Totally Content With Their System?

Thought this might be fun. Is anyone out there totally content right now with their system? If so, what is your set-up, total cost and how long did it take you to get to this utopia? I post this in the "Speakers" forum because that is my particular obesession for some reason.
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
I have to admit - I am very content with what I have. Really! I have auditioned many, very expensive systems and I feel no need to upgrade!

There is probably something wrong with me...

Dewald Visser
By and large I'm content with my modest system. Granted I want to upgrade my speakers, which still sound good, but has a few things I wish they did better (clarity, soundstaging, for instances). So I'm taking my time as I want this particular upgrade to be truly something better, and not just different (which I think happens more often than not). Once that happens, I think I'll just "kick back" and enjoy the music.
I am content! I have found great satisfaction in the system I have right now. That said, I think my priorities in life are changing too. So, put the two together (really liking my system now, and changing priorites) and this is resulting in great satisfaction. I would not dream of spending the amounts of money I used to spend (which were fairly modest given some of what you see on this site) on this hobby anymore.

Good to see more happy people. I have to admit I enjoyed my time with all the components I have had over the years. I know that owners of very high end systems will slam me for saying this but major improvements are elusive, above about $2K on any component... I think diminishing returns kicks in pretty hard. Yes ultra expensive stuff does sound better....but for 100% more cost you tend to eek out only 5-10% more performance out of it.