For the first time ever I am completely content with my system and until recently I thuoght such a level of content would be unattainable for me.
Two things I have learned.
An audiophile probably won't ever be satisfied untill he discovers exactly what type of sound he personally prefers.This might seem easy and obvious,but I think that it is not, really.And,at least for me,I think it takes a good bit of trial and error.
Secondly,and this is crucial,what will make you happy must be defined by one's self.No one else can do it for you.Not some magazine guru (or internet) or some illussory notion of "neutrality" or "accurracy" posited by others.
I think you have to live with different equipment and your mistakes and then be fortunate enough to find what clicks for you.
One other point.I disagree about minimal return on investment in expensive equipment.Some designs are fundamentally different and better in an exponential way.Some can really capture the magic and essence of music like others can't.And when you finally hear it,you know it.
If a piece of equipment or system is truly different or special it will reveal that pretty quickly,and it won't require intellectual effort for that realization.It will grab hold of your senses emotionally,the way the real thing does.
Two things I have learned.
An audiophile probably won't ever be satisfied untill he discovers exactly what type of sound he personally prefers.This might seem easy and obvious,but I think that it is not, really.And,at least for me,I think it takes a good bit of trial and error.
Secondly,and this is crucial,what will make you happy must be defined by one's self.No one else can do it for you.Not some magazine guru (or internet) or some illussory notion of "neutrality" or "accurracy" posited by others.
I think you have to live with different equipment and your mistakes and then be fortunate enough to find what clicks for you.
One other point.I disagree about minimal return on investment in expensive equipment.Some designs are fundamentally different and better in an exponential way.Some can really capture the magic and essence of music like others can't.And when you finally hear it,you know it.
If a piece of equipment or system is truly different or special it will reveal that pretty quickly,and it won't require intellectual effort for that realization.It will grab hold of your senses emotionally,the way the real thing does.