Joseph Audio RM7si monitors.
Spendor S5e small floorstanders.
Spendor S5e small floorstanders.
SMALL, but efficient speaker
Small size, high efficiency, and "enuff balls down low for Deep Purple, Zep and the like". Not possible all in the same speaker. Given that larger speakers apparently aren't practical in your room, I suggest you relax your "high efficiency" requirement, and if necessary get a used Pioneer or Panasonic receiver for some decent cheap wattage. How 'bout that Rega R3 you mentioned?? Duke |
The new Silverline Preludes will do the job nicely. You get deep, articulate bass and high efficiency in a petite floorstander. They work very well in small and medium size rooms and sound wonderful with all types of amplifiers. The latest model is very well balanced and is not "bright". Their imaging is first rate and resolution is very good. I use them in a 11x14 room and don't feel like I need a sub at all. A friend of mine has them in an even smaller room and just loves them. |
Check out this review from fellow A'goner, Petsound. He is doing something very similar in a small room (8 X 12) and with vintage receivers (10 wpc). Polk floorstanders review . As for the Rega R-3, I am using Rega Ara's (now R-1) in two of my systems. The smaller system is powered by a Prima Luna Prologue 5 tube amplifier (36 wpc). Even as small bookshelf speakers go, the Ara's have decent bass. If you are considering cranking up the 70's hard rock to normal 70's listening levels, consider an amp with some balls, as well. If space is an issue, think integrated or receiver. The Outlaw RR2150 ($600) has juice to spare at 100wpc. I just heard the new SONY DA 5200 ESHDMI HT receiver ($1500) and was very impressed with its audio sound. Regards, Rich |