Magnepan-how much push/pull tube power needed

Will my 40 wpc el34 push/pull tube amp drive a pair of maggies? if not, how would bi-amping sound with the el34 for top end and solid state for bottom end, and also probably adding a sub to the mix. what is the best way to do this? i'd like to keep my el34 tube sound with the maggies. thanks for the help.......
I think you're looking at it wrong. At this point you should be more concerned with the impedances the Maggies are going to present to a tube amp. If Maggies are in future, Warrenh is right, check them out with current amp & set-up so you have a better idea of what's what.

Maggies put out as much sound out to rear as front, so be cautious with regard to placement.

Also,a sub might not be up to the challenge of the Maggie's fast midrange & treble.
cooch, which maggies ?? what is the size of your room ?, do you like to listen past 85 db spl ?

i have a pair of maggie 1.6s, 12 x 18 room. i use a vtl deluxe 120. the amp is (pseudo) triode/tetrode. i have listened in the reduced power mode which is 45 wpc. occasionally there is clipping when listening to symphony orchestra. i think you need at least 50 tube watts. as for biamping i would use two of the same amps not mix them.
Maggies don't come alive at low or "background" listening levels. So if your "2nd system" will mostly be running that way, forget Maggies, they'll sound thin no matter what amp(s) you use.

And why would you bi-amp + sub a "2nd system"? Seems like overkill to me. You luuuuv your 40w/ch tube amp? Great! Get a really fine, new or vintage, high efficiency speaker and be happy.
the room is small. and this is definitely not gonna be background music. not sure what gave anyone that idea. will be normal listening levels. looks like i will bag the idea of running maggies with my amp. i guess maggies will have to wait until i can afford a high powered ss integrated. thanks to everyone for the input. kinda bummed tho
Why are you interested in Maggies, anyway? I've had the 1.6's, and LOVED them! But I was pushing 500 wpc [Spectron Digital 1 a class D switching amp & a tube preamp] into 4 ohms.

Don't waste time on the MMG's...go for the 1.6's. Unfortunately, low power SS [100 wpc into 4 ohms] will not work...even at low volume...these speakers will sound congested and closed in. I never ran mine with a tube amp, but their 4 ohm impedance is almost linear, making the 1.6's closer to a resistive loading than an impedance loading.

As someone who once had two systems, you would be wise to put your money into ONE great system, and use headphones for a second me for suggestions on a KILLER portable, all DC powered system!