Talon-New owner-NO customer service

I have a Talon Roc I purchased from a fellow Audiogon member. It developed a buzz after two months of use. I called talon, now owned by Rives and told them the problem. I got a call from Katie saying they no longer dealt with the amp manufacturer but she would call me back. She didn't so I called a week later. Basically they weren't interested in my plight, even if if I paid for out of warrenty service. They did say I could replace the amp for $1600!!!!! That is a "we don't don't care, but if you pay this-we will-price"!!!! A call to Richard got me, "go buy a Crown amp for a $1000 and make a wood panel for the back"
BEWARE---it appears Rives do not want to support Talons existing products!!!
I would like to mention here that in my past dealings with Mike Farnsworth of Talon he most definitely went "above and beyond" the call of duty when I had a slight problem with a Talon purchase a few years back. Mike bent over backwards to my total satisfaction in order to make me happy. More people like Mike would be a blessing in this industry. my 2 cents...
I am surprised no one addressed the actual issue and got answers here.. I mean if a warranty is up its up? Was this sub still under warranty, I doubt that, if it was then it is a problem, but it seems it was WELL over and anybody would have to pay after that regardless if the company changed hands, You don't get lifetime warranty just because you think you should, we all pay after some point.

What year is the Sub?

What year did you buy it?

And what is Talons Warranty time period on it?

Probably not past 3 years, and 1 year on the amp.. would be the standard on most subs I have ever seen.
The original owner says it is still under warrenty! I rang and offered to pay, as at the time, I did not know if it was, or was not, under warrenty. I gave a lady, who now I am ttold no longer works at Rives/Talon, the serial number. SStill no one at the company has confirmed or denied if it iis, or isn't, warrentied. To me a simple solution would have been, please send us the plate amp and we will have it checked. Yes sir it is faulty, we can fix it send us a cheque for $100 or 250 or 350.......
So I do get the out of warrenty concept. What everyone who says Rives did the right thing, don't know is the phone attitude that I got when I called them(they never called me back). They don't want to help, except for an unreaonable amount of money, for the problem concerned.
Robyatt, have you no shame? You're whining, in public no less! Life's unfair, deal with it! Or at the very least, video your "situation" for YouTube. Let the whole world know how you feel.
Robyatt, I realize in your first post & combination of your last post of clarity, this is purely about customer service then... Okay you got a not so stellar treatment, you had questions that were not satisfied.. However this does not mean that a company owes you extended warranty, it is very possible depending how old the sub is that it should be covered, but I think it is more than likely it is older than the short warrantys given with a sub.. Most would have a very short period, tops normally 3 years, maybe 5, but I doubt 5 on the amp... So you were not given what you wanted to hear, that is understandable, but your not even sure how old the unit is, or was when you bought it, I would start there next time.

I don't see any info on Rives/Talon site for warranty, so now I am curious, all the speakers I buy I can go on each of their websites right now and it is very clearly stated what the warranty periods are on each component, most subs are however broken down with like 3 years on all craftsmanship and driver/cabinet etc.., and 1 year on plate amps from what I have seen. Some of the higher end guys probably offer 5 years total, I would figure out the age of the unit, and Via serial # Rives should have a way to find out, but then again they might not even have anymore info on it than you from the original company owners.