Office speakers?

AT home I have a Mac tube amp 2102 with a mac pre 2200. My signal comes from a trivista SACD and ends with the Sonus Cremonas and Auditors...

At work I spend most of my time behind a couple of computers with dual monitors... and listen to some computer speakers with a cheap woofer... I am thinking about changing that. I am pretty set on the Rotel 1062 int. and the rotel 1072 CD Player... I am open to some synergy here...with regards to speakers. :) They have to be small, because I will set them along side the monitors. My thoughts are Epos 3's or 5. Perhaps something a little forward and swift such as the Proac or perhaps even the Totem Arrows or the spendors. Placement will be a problem and I know soundstage probably will not happen in my space... I could eventually get two sets and then use the AB switch on the integrated to play the ones I am sitting in front of... Any suggestions.. comments?
I would second the recommendation for the Usher 520's. Another small speaker I own and like even more is the Soliloquy SAT 5. It's harder to find because Soliloquy is out of business but it's a great small speaker.
I have Sat-5's and can recommend them highly as well. Definitely a solid step above the Epos 3's. A significant step above the Soliloquy's, but at a price, I recently was very imressed by Era Design 5 speakers. The sounds that come from those tiny boxes are nothing short of amazing. They'll definitely give you a fuller range than the Sat 5's or Epos 3. There's also a very small Dali speaker that does similar wonders at a price, but I can't recall which one.

Well thank you all very much... I ended up buying the Onix SP3 Mk2, Music hall cd25, and the Quad 11s. I grabbed the wireworld oasis 5 for interconnects and it's companion for the speaker wire... I have not ventured into to power cords yet, but am interested in some isolation items... I puchased some iso nodes for the amp and cd player and would like to stack them but think I have spent enough money already... :) Probably will just pick up another set of speakers in the future... maybe some Majico minis... :) I will try to check your recomendations out marco...
