Speaker stand design - Is this a good idea?

Hi folks,

With the advise of some of you, I purchased a Harbeth LS3/5a (8 inches sqaure base) and a Creek evo amp to be installed in a small room in India. The floors are tiled (no carpets). I am worried that if the speakers tip over, they may get damaged.

My local dealer in India recommends that the speaker sit on a 9 inch sqaure plate. He is also suggesting that at about 8.5 inches square he will create a little fence about 0.5 inch high to make sure the speaker does not shift 'off' the stand. For what it's worth he thinks it might also provide some support from an accidental fall.

Is this a good idea?

I think that some here will advise using a clay like substance call Blue-Tack . It goes between the speaker bottom and the stand top surface to more securly mount the speaker to the stand . It provides a slip free mount as well as a solid connection to the stand and the floor . It is cheap , @ $10 and reusable .

Good luck .
If you can't find Blu-Tac in India, here's a link where you can order on-line.

I don't think what your dealers suggests is really necessary, but I understand what he is trying to do.
I doubt there's anything wrong with the suggestion your dealer makes, but Blue-tac will be better, and easier.

Also, there's an Audiogonner who has suggested Artist's putty is better than blue-tac - maybe try it if you can't get blue-tac.
blue tack can damage the veneer......epos makes a nice stand(12?) that will work with the spendor. use adhesive pads (on the stands... not the speakers) to protect the finish.