Zu tone or Druid or which Omega ?

Which single-driver speaker would have best synergy with 8 watt 300B amp for my 11x16x8 ceiling room? Would it be Zu tone or Druid? or which Omega model may be a better match? I listen to vocals and jazz, and enjoy warm midrange.
Macrojack, I don't know about the 6db difference in sensitivity. 8 watts and 6db difference? I don't think so..IMHO...
I don't know about the 6db difference in sensitivity. 8 watts and 6db difference? I don't think so..IMHO...

That would really depend upon where those 6 watts took the efficiency down to. In the case of the Druid/Tone comparison, I'd agree, going from 101db efficiency, to 97db will not make too much of a difference listening in a room that size. If that difference were perhaps 94db vs 88 db it would make all the difference in the world for an 8 watt amplifier.

You didn't mention budget but, I would nominate any of the Omegas as a candidate for great value speaker of the year.
i have to ask...what speakers are you using now? i've ways found it best to let your speakers dictate your other components, since they and your room will have the biggest contribution (by far) to what you hear.
Based on what I've heard, I wouldn't expect Druids to perform optimally at 8WPC. Definitions yes but not Druids.

I'll have a pair of Druids some time in January and intend to experiment with a number of amps. Perhaps my opinion will change.