Speaker disappearing act?

There's new $25k per pair speaker, that according to everyone who matters, disappears? I've heard this disappearing act before, but what, if any does it have to do with the quality of the sound? If you're blind, or close your eyes when you listen to music, does that eliminate the need for a total disappearing act? I know what they mean by speakers "disappearing" but can it be overkill in the descriptive sense, considering there are oodles of other factors that are important in describing a speaker/quality of sound. Have you ever listened to a pair of speakers that are drop dead amazing, but when you open your eyes they may not be the purest "disappearing" act you thought? Does that matter?
i've had some nice speakers over the years; they all imaged pretty well, but admittedly none of them performed at the level where i couldn't tell where in the room they were located. BUT, they all excelled at bringing out the textures of instruments/voices. now i could have, with the help of some friends, tried moving the speakers around inch by inch and perhaps gotten better results in getting them to disappear, but a decent stereo image has somehow been "enough" for me, especially considering the burden of moving 100-200 lbs. of speaker around.
NOW, usually it happens at the local wilson audio dealer that, regardless of the "wilson sound" good or bad, they can usually position them where i REALLY CANNOT TELL where they are. i just do not feel this alone is the last word in motivating a loudspeaker purchase. it certainly is uncanny, no doubt about it.
I disagree with people who say speakers can't disappear. I have a set of Hornshoppe Horns and I challenge anyone who is six feet away form them to point out where they are blindfolded. OK, you can tell they are in front of you more than in back. They image incredibly well.

On the other hand, crank up a pair of Anthony Gallo Micro's and I challenge you to find them uless you are with 2 - 3 feet (except for that front position thing). They are amazing.

Set up a home theater with Gallos and you simply cannot tell where they are. They are as close to point-sources as I have heard. Of course, they don't work well under about 100Hz - and if you drive them with an unfiltered signal with any low frequency, they will 'go-boom' rather rapidly...
Interesting question as I am struggling with this very issue my setup. For me, diasappearing means that I do not hear anything directly from the speakers. In my friend's setup, the soundstage is taller than his speakers. Because of this, I am able to hear things behind and to the sides of the speakers, giving a great sense of depth and width. Rarely do i hear anything from the speakers themselves. Conversely, in my setup, my soundstage is right at the tweeter height. Because of this, I never hear anything that is deeper or behind the speakers. I am not sure why my soundstage is so low. I know my speakers are capable of a higher soundstage since I heard them at my dealer. Anyway, disappearing speakers do add a lot to the sense of dimensionality.

It may be your room layout and seating position etc... Your gear seems more than competent. I will admit to expecting to see far lesser gear when you stated your issue. After living with Gallo 3.1's, those things get out of the way without being overly particular regarding pinpoint placement. My Omega's are also very good in this regard, although more sensitive to placement than Gallo's.

I will say that many speakers I've tried when setup in the same spot in my room, display similiar general dispersion characteristics, more alike than different (as it should be IMO.) My Mirage omni series speakers also perform a stellar vanishing act (at the expense of accuracy.) My soundstage height is pretty much consistently at about 5 1/2 - 6 ft high (observed from my listening position.) Speakers currently 4 1/2 ft out from the front wall and pretty much everything falls behind the speakers except for hard L/R pans. If my speakers didn't vanish (to a large degree), it would bother me since I've heard this done pretty much as a matter of fact in my own systems and other better systems I've heard.
launche, thanks for the reply. I totally agree with you its my room. I just dont know what else I can do. I have fiddled with speaeker and seating position. Nothing seems to help my soundstage height issue. The one thing I want to try is some absoprtive material on the back wall behind the speakers. In my friends setup, he has a large curtain but no other room treatments. The otherr difference is that his speakers are at least 3-4 feet further away from the back wall than mine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.