How high is your soundstage?

I have been having a lot of trouble getting my soundstage to sound the way I like it. Almost all of the systems I have heard generates a soundstage that is 1-5ft above the speaker itself. I really like this as it helps to make the speakers disappear. Sound seems to come from behind and to the sides of the speakers. Everytime I hear my friend's setup, I go home frustrated. In my setup, the soundstage is right at the tweeter level. To me, too much music is coming directly from the speakers. I do not hear anything behind or to the sides of speakers. In other words, my soundstage is narrow and shallow! I have tried a lot of different speaker/sitting positions to no avail. Nothhing I do raises the soundstage. I am pretty sure its my room.

So out of curiosity, I would like to know how high is your soundstage? Is it at tweeter height or above? If above, how much above?
Boa2, we are adding a loft soon which I hope will help. the loft will be quite large (15' x 20') with floating floors. I will be able to put my speakers as far from the front wall as I would like. The room they are in right now is actually pretty big (15' x 24') but the little nook that the speakers are in is only about 12' wide. The back of the room opens up to the rest of the house and the upstairs.
The problem is those speakers and gear you have. You should sell it all to me. Just kiddding, at least the first part.

Yup, I think some 2' by 4' by 2 or 4 inch thick rigid fg panels or something similar in the corners behind those speakers would be a start.
given the system I think you have enough distance. do you have a pair of minimonitors you can borrow and try on chairs or better yet stands. They should completely disapear. if they do the speakers are probably a mismatch for the room. the narrower the baffle the nore they will disapear. a pair of audiophysics should give you the height of the stage as well as fill the room boundaries with music. These are usually listened to in the nearfield.