Question about Druids

Since Zu has such a liberal home audition policy, why would anyone who just bought a pair that is "not even broken in", sell them for a 1K loss? Why not just take advantage of the return option and pay the shipping back to the factory? This makes no sense to me. Any ideas?

Jjmali, your statement is mean spirited, disparaging, and unfair to Zu. Speaking of manly things to do: how 'bout backing up those digs.
Music a11, I do appreciate the manly advice, but since I am still recovering from my gender change surgery, acting like a man is going to be difficult for me with all these harmones I'm taking. I'll wait a little, and see if the inherent male DNA in me will rise to the top and help me address the Zuboys.
I, still, would love to now what Jjmali has up his ass?
Putting aside the latest Zu rumor about discounting, I have to admit that I have wondered the same thing that Ozzy62 is asking. Why take a big hit on near new speakers when Zu makes such a point about their generous trial period? If the option to return them for a full refund exists, why on earth would anybody sell them at a big loss? It makes me wonder about the advertiser's claims. I couldn't wait to get mine broken in and I did so in much less time than Zu alots. But, if the seller in question took 6 months or a year to break his speakers in, that would answer all our questions.
I'll repeat the other question, "Is there anyone out there who received a discount from Zu by negotiating the price?".
I couldn't break in my Def's in 60 days and I ran them crazy. 60 days just is not enough time for the wondrous sound to happen. Maybe 6 months? But I knew where they were going. Others may not feel as confident. Also, I can see how the sound just may not agree with some: in 60 days, 30 days 180 days. Me? I love 'em. Having a ball with my SET and 101db Defs. I wouldn't think this to death. Some are not as patient and their break in time is not like others. 60 days doesn't not necessarily mean the hours that go along with that. That's a plain ole fact.
Besides the original launch of Druids & Definitions on ebay a few years back, and the recent 12 days of x-mas sale,I have not heard of Zu discounting their prices on the speakers.

In case anyone is still on the fence and wants to try them, Zu has posted they will pay the shipping for their products for the month of January.