Jjmali, your statement is mean spirited, disparaging, and unfair to Zu. Speaking of manly things to do: how 'bout backing up those digs.
Music a11, I do appreciate the manly advice, but since I am still recovering from my gender change surgery, acting like a man is going to be difficult for me with all these harmones I'm taking. I'll wait a little, and see if the inherent male DNA in me will rise to the top and help me address the Zuboys.
I, still, would love to now what Jjmali has up his ass?
Music a11, I do appreciate the manly advice, but since I am still recovering from my gender change surgery, acting like a man is going to be difficult for me with all these harmones I'm taking. I'll wait a little, and see if the inherent male DNA in me will rise to the top and help me address the Zuboys.
I, still, would love to now what Jjmali has up his ass?