Single-driver speakers for 2W 45 SET monoblocks

My wonderful Welborne 45 SET monoblocks will be built shortly (shortly after I start them, that is). I have/had intended to use my Zu Druids with them, but as this system is for fun & experimentation, I want to try some other speakers too. I like the Druids but have heard other single drivers, like the Omegas, that I liked better.

So, I'm looking for some other speakers in the 99db+ sensitivity range. The problem is that that makes things pretty difficult. The 96dB Omegas, and horns in the 95-96 range, might be sensitive enough, but I think that is borderline for 2W amps. I would like to stay in the 98dB and up range, unless I get first-hand recommendations from folks using 45s with them. I like to listen with about 95db peaks 10' away, large room.

Price range is $3K new at the most. Thanks for any ideas.
Paul I sure hope you brought the trusty asbestos suit.You gonna need it!LOL

Too bad you don't have at least 5 watts. I would suggest the Bob Brines Lowther DX3 LT-2000 speakers. I know it's off the beaten path. I haven't heard this model, but I know how fond Bob is of this speaker. I also know what sound he strives for by the speakers I own of his. I feel this speaker could give you most of what you want for under $3000.

I've also owned some Omega speakers.. beautifully built speakers..but no where near the sound of the Brines in over all tonal balance. Let there be no doubt, that these speakers will output REAL bass in comparison to most SDs and a few multi drivers as well..

Unlike most companies, the majority of the money you pay for this speaker goes into the drivers and parts.

You maybe able to persuade him to build a speaker along the lines of your preferences.

Good luck with the hunt
I had some Dared monos - but they were 300Bs. They didn't last a week, sounding muffled and mushy. I've heard others say that some of the Dareds are very nice and maybe yours are better.

My aural memory is fading with the Druids since I haven't heard them since I upgraded mine to Definitions 18 months ago. My recollection is that the overall midrange tonality was very good but not quite as fast as my single driver Fostex 206E bass reflex boxes. Those have paper cone 8" drivers and are blindingly fast. However, they also are peaky and very limited in output.

With the Definitions, midrange tone is exemplary though I have mine running about 3 db down through the presence band, around 1khz to 3 khz. Since the same drivers in a different configuration definitely work well, I'd say it isn't merely the 10" midrange that's disturbing your perceptions.

The higher up you go in efficiency, linearity gets increasingly difficult to achieve. To find a smooth sounding speaker with frequency extension is fairly easy for 50-watt compatibility. To do so with 2-watt compatibility . . .

I'd try some different amps just to ensure it's not an amp/speaker communication problem. Zu speakers are definitely chameleons to the amps (and other ancillaries) paired with them so maybe the match just isn't good.

Or, maybe they're just not for you. High-eff speakers are almost by their nature idiosyncratic. It's possible you'll find something else whose quirky personality is more agreeable.
Two things. 1st, I want to retract what I said about Zu tonality - in a nutshell, it was the room. Re-placement and treatments solved it. A bit embarrassed about that.

I also decided to forego the La Scalas due to too many people telling me 2W would not cut it, even with 1st order networks.

I also do not think 2W will quite cut it with the Druids, based on my experience with 2A3s. They barely cut it at nearly twice the power.

So I am about back to square one. I am now looking for a horn-loaded single-driver 100dB/W or better. I know of several, but all are too pricey for me (Rethm, Beauhorn, Vivaldi...). Budget is $3K new, max. Any recommendations in that area? Oh, no DIY. I'm building amps, but no speakers.
Why not cain and cain abbys or super abbys? It seems an obvious choice. For 3k you can have a pair of bailey subwoofers too.
I had a wonderful set of back loaded horns with Fostex 206 esr drivers, built by John Kalinowski. These were magic with my New Audio Frontiers 845 SE integrated amp, but maybe not quite sensitive enough for your needs. I would highly recommend speaking with John, and having something custom built with the driver of your choice. I think he posts on Audiogon as