Super-sensitive volume controls - remedy?

I'm getting real tired of preamps with a volume control that does everything from a faint whisper to way too loud all in the 8:00 to 10:00 position on the dial. My old Rotel RC-995 was like that, and now my new Parasound 2100; both with remote volume that becomes useless with that level of sensitivity. Of course, I noticed a big change when I switched from Maggie MG12's to Tekton Lore Reference, even with my old Luxman CX-100.

My question is not about searching for preamps that don't do that, but whether there is a transparent method of attenuation, either externally or internally, that would allow a more gradual and precise volume adjustment.
Mink- Are you running the Denon into the MM or the MC phono stage? W 1.6 mV output, the KAB calculator shows you only need 43 dB gain. The Parasound will give you 52 dB gain through the MM input and a whopping 82 dB through the MC input. So you should probably use the MM input, and even then you've got more than enough gain. I cannot find any specs for your amp for input sensitivity or gain, but your speakers are very high efficiency (98 dB/w/m), so they can be driven to very high spls w just a few watts.
I obviously don't know anything about this, so I am going to shut up now. I used the attenuators between both solid state and tube CDPs, and tube integrated amp with excellent results. Best of luck to the OP.
Do attenuators like the Rothwells impose any sort of penalty related to sonic quality?
Absolutely they do!!!!!!! I tried these several years ago and they literally destroyed the 3D performance and less so, the dynamics. Horrible horrible horrible solution to reduce the gain. I have this pair in my house somewhere. If I could find them, I'd give these POS's to you for free.

I suggest you contact the company of your line stage and see if there is a parts kit to reduce the gain by 6 db or so.
Thanks for all your input. After posting, I did some searches for the attenuators and found that this issue comes up fairly often.

I am using the MM input for the DL-160 and can't imagine what the Shure would be like. As for speaker sensitivity, it obviously has played a part in this, however my concerns with the Rotel preamp occurred back when I was using Magnepans, and, as I recall, was just as bad, if not worse.

I may, as Jafox has suggested, call Parasound and see if they have a soulution, and if I find a pair of attenuators that aren't too awfully expensive, I may give that a shot.

I think I just need to do a little more homework before making my purchases from now on!
11-23-14: Jafox
I tried these several years ago and they literally destroyed the 3D performance and less so, the dynamics. Horrible horrible horrible solution to reduce the gain.
John, I know that you are a particularly experienced and knowledgeable audiophile, and I always consider your comments to be among the most reliable to be found here, but nevertheless I must ask: Did you physically insert the attenuators into the input jacks of a component, or into the output jacks of a component? If the latter, as I indicated in my earlier post it would easily explain the poor results you obtained. At least, that is, if they were the Rothwells; I'm not familiar with the designs of the others that have been mentioned.

Best regards,
-- Al