PMC IB1 and room size

I just put a down payment on a demo pair of these. I still have not yet heard them, but the price was so good, I'm not worried about getting my money back if I don't like them (tho it's interesting I've never heard anyone say anything bad about them!). They seem ideal for my needs, but I'm a bit concerned they may be a bit much for my room.

My room is a specially-constructed trapezoidal room -- about 225 square feet. Short ceilings, but heavily bass-trapped. Any IB1 owners here want to chime in regarding whether or not this is too small a room for these speakers? Do they play well against the wall (I've heard they do)?

Mine will be 8' apart along a 12.5' wall, a solid 2' from the side walls. The front corners are treated with bass trapping and there is substantial broadband trapping at the reflection points, as well. I have a good feeling I can make it work! However, I may need to move my listening position back a bit since I get the feeling the IB1s don't like to be toed in.
Hopefully I can post this link which answers a lot of questions that you have. The IB1's should be toed-in and this link contains instructions plus a lot more info about room size with PMC's.
The tweeters should be pointing over your shoulders for best results. If you hold up your arm and point at the centre line of the speaker it should give you a pretty good idea.