A Bright Pair of Watt Puppys

I'd love some suggestions on taming my bright system. My Watt Puppy 6's are really bright and it often seems on many recordings as though the tweeter and midrange are just way louder and more dominant than the bass. Often, to get more bass punch (or just warmer sound) I find myself wanting to turn the volume up. This helps the bass level a bit but also sends the rest of the spectrum thru the roof: it gets very loud.

Although I assume my room is too small for these speaks and I need some treatment, can't believe this is the only issue here. Watching other woofers at CES for example, the things extend rapidly right out of the enclosures on systems that sounded warm to me. My drivers barely move at all. Just doesn't seem right.

Also was told by the designer of Genesis speakers that my amp isn't powerful enough to control the bass on the Watt Puppys. That was a surprise.

Here's my system configuration:
WP 6
BAT VK-600
Bat 31-SE Preamp
Kimber 3033 speaker cables
Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling ITC
Shanling CD-100 dual output cd player
Furman power conditioner
Room Size: 15 x 25

Any suggestions? Anyone?
Johnbarlow, it may be that simple if Leemincy is not one of the hundreds of people you cite who both bought AND love Wilson Watt/Puppies. Personally I think they ARE bright. They can sound very different over a short listening period in the audio shop with selected music than they do over the long haul with a full range of music. You like them - that is fine. But Leemincy may be one of those who liked them well in the showroom but much less so over time. Many of us have had experiences like this with speakers - it is part of the learning process in audio and part of discovering our own tastes.
Try the Cardas mathamatical formula.

Speaker placement, simply stated

The distance from the center of the woofer face to the side walls is:

Room Width times .276 (RW x .276)
The distance from the center of the woofer face to the wall behind the speaker is:

Room Width times .447 (RW x .447)
This is all you need to know to place speakers in a symmetrical, rectangular room!

Kimber cable, BAT equipment could be the potential culprit in contributing to the brightness. I heard good and lively sound from Watt puppys with Audio Research all tube equipment in the past.

I would keep everything constant but slowly overtime switch out the Kimber with some other cables and listen for a couple of weeks. If that doesn't work, the BAT have to go.

Good luck..
Call Geoff Poor at Glenn Poor's Audio Video, http://www.glennpoors.com/index.html, and ask him. His phone number is 217-356-5456. Tell him that Chuck Davis asked you top call him.

Geoff's dad started the Audio Store in Illinois, and Geoff runs it now. BUT, Geoff is also a partner in BAT. In his store he has all of the BAT equipment and he carries the Wilson line. I've heard the set-ups and I can tell you personally BAT and Wilson goes together very, very well the way he has it set up.

Call him and ask him what cables he's running and what he suggests about your system set-up. He's extremely knowledgeable.

Quoted from Leemincy, "Hey, maybe it's the loud speakers! Problem solved."

Sounds like Lee is referring to getting the baby to sleep, rather than a complaint about the Wilsons. :-) I disagree with the above comments which claim the Watt Puppy 6 is a "bright" speaker. It is not...but it is very revealing (which is much different from "bright"). Since Wilson speakers will reveal any deficiencies in your components , room, interconnect/speaker/power cord cables or speaker placement, I believe that Johnjbarlow provides very important information for you in his comments above.

Begin with speaker placement and use a well recorded CD or LP that has significant bass extension. When my new Wilson Sophia Series II were setup by my dealer using Wilson's recommended speaker placement, they played "Pigs, Sheep and Wolves" from Paul Simon's "You're The One" CD, and "brand new '64 dodge" from Greg Brown's "The Poet Game" CD (both came from a demo disc that Wilson provided). So, be sure you are using well recorded discs for evaluation. The old saying, "gargage in, garbage out" has a lot of meaning. For example, no matter how many synergistic, revealing, audiophile systems you audition using Don Henley's "End of the Innocence" cd, the sonics are going to sound poor. The reason: the mastering of this CD is very poor, and consequently so are the sonics.

Next, focus on your room. Are these speakers in a carpeted room or one with hard surfaces? If so, rugs are needed. Do you have accessories, furniture, bookshelves filled with books or LPs, in the room? We might be better able to assist you with room suggestions if there was a more detailed description of your room other than dimensions.

If it is not speaker placement or room issues, then you have a weak link upstream. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Wilson speakers will not allow any compromises. Best of luck in resolving your issue.