linbrook signature owners

Could anyone please tell me what you would compare these speakers to in terms of their sonic signature. (ie. jm lab, krell, paradigm etc...)
Any input would be great......thank you!!!
You might check the archives and the posted systems of other members who have Tylers and find someone who has the speakers you mention and I assume are familar with. These have been discussed thoroughly and often.

If I knew what etc included, and I was familar with it, I would gladly try to help. :-)
I haven't heard this model. I can tell you from looking at the linbrook it uses the same drivers as the model I've heard. This speaker sounds nothing like Paradigm...I mean nothing. The Seas magnesium drivers do have a certain sound. A friend and I agreed they sound similar to his former speakers the Equation 25s.This was a $7000 speaker now cost more!