Another Zu Thread

Sorry - I'm sure this is in the archives, but I've been reading them for several hours and haven't come up with anything super definitive.

Can anybody comment on what setup works best with the Druids and/or the Definitions? I have read >10ft to the listener for the Definitions.

Does the floor material matter? I have read that they need to be placed on hard surfaces, not carpet - true?

They appear to work in a fairly standard triangle pattern - separated by X feet, user seated Y feet away.

Toe in? Do these speakers do the "head in a clamp thing" or does it support multiple listeners reasonably well?

Distance from back / side walls?

Any help would be appreciated, either in direct answers or point me to a thread that discusses all the physical setup issues.

Here's what I can give you from my personal experience regarding the Definitions, that work in my crib: 10 feet from ear to speaker with the speakers 8 feet apart. Very slight toe-in. Maybe 15 degrees. Replaced the Zu spikes. They use crappy spikes. Replaced them with superior spikes from StarSound Technologies. Major difference. Carpet, hard floor? Your choice. Sound? It's been a year, and I'm loving them. More is revealed as time goes by. Quite an extraordinary trip. Made way for SET, and that is a real the Zuboys. They are great guys. Other Zu nauts should follow. I believe the Druids are more problematic in set-up as far as the floor etc.
The room will always have something to say. I assume you already have the speakers. Why not experiment a little and find the best arrangement for your room?
There is nothing problematic about Druids or Definitions but there are certain considerations which apply to optimal implementation.
The Definition is designed with a recommended 10 foot mimnimum between the forward plane of the speakers and your listening position. I have not noticed a sidewall problem at all. My right speaker is about 3 feet from the wall and there is no wall on the left. They are about 12 inches from the wall behind them.
Druids are different in two ways. First, you need to experiment with the distance between the speaker's plinth and the floor under it. This is accomplished by threading the spikes up or down to increase or decrease the gap. There is a rule of thumb. Definitions do not require spacing because they are not bottom ported like the Druids. Defs have their woofers in a sealed enclosure.
Toe in will effect the soundstage, naturally, and that will require experimentation just like with any other speaker. It will also impact the sweet spot. I don't think you can make it narrow but it is possible to make it wider by rotating the speaker position. I do not experience any "head in the vise" problems with mine.
For some reason, rumors abound concerning this brand name.
Aktchi - no, I don't have the speakers. I am considering taking the 60-day test drive, but would avoid even that if something about my situation and those speakers would make it an obvious misfit.

I have no problem with the 10 foot distance minimum. I have two rooms to potentially put them in, one where I'm pretty much obligated to sit about 12 feet (or less) back from the speakers which would be 6-10 feet apart. Rectangular, well damped. My other room is a big living area in a contemporary house that opens up to eternity. The speakers would be in the "end" of a rectangle, and I could split them about as far apart as I like, and I could sit any distance away. This is the preferred room to put them into.

I'm intrigued by the descriptions of the dynamics and the "live" sound, as well as the full extension. I listen to mostly rock, blues and jazz.

I currently have Dynaudio Confidence 2's, which I like a lot, but would probably want to move to a bigger speaker in the Dynaudio line for the room I'm in and the music I like if I stay in suit.

Thanks for the feedback. -Kirk