Another Zu Thread

Sorry - I'm sure this is in the archives, but I've been reading them for several hours and haven't come up with anything super definitive.

Can anybody comment on what setup works best with the Druids and/or the Definitions? I have read >10ft to the listener for the Definitions.

Does the floor material matter? I have read that they need to be placed on hard surfaces, not carpet - true?

They appear to work in a fairly standard triangle pattern - separated by X feet, user seated Y feet away.

Toe in? Do these speakers do the "head in a clamp thing" or does it support multiple listeners reasonably well?

Distance from back / side walls?

Any help would be appreciated, either in direct answers or point me to a thread that discusses all the physical setup issues.

Audiofeil, there is a significant difference with different kinds of spikes. There are spikes and there are spikes. Kind of like silk ties and the like. The Zu boys have told me that their spikes are really not the best, and they were thinking of auditioning the Starsound points. Regardless of the type of floor, spikes make a difference in the sound one can get from any speaker. Put the spikes on the Audiopoint discs and it is easy to shift the speaker. They won't dig into the floor. On carpet? That's a major pain in the ass. Me? Wood under my Defs? Not in a million years. Not under any speaker...
Having owned the Druids, Def. 1.5's and now Def. Pros, I can say these are all really different speakers. The Druids are mellower sounding than the other two but also less revealing. All can fill a large room with a handfull of watts. If you're a bass junkie, you'll need subs for the Druids, if you're not, they actually have very nice bass. I love huge bass and the 1.5s weren't enough in my room, but it's a bass vacuum and they seem to be fine for most. None are particularly sensitive to room positioning, as I've had all within a foot of the front wall with no problems.

Not everyone likes the Zu speakers. I'm not sure what the issue is with the Druids, and I'd still have them if I didn't fall into a little money. Lots of folks are very happy with them, but not all. In my giant bass suckout of a room, the 1.5 bass was light and the presence band was peaky. I suspect the active presence band is one reason some folks don't like the Definitions - it serves some music exquisitely but gets agitated with a few keys of a piano and with blazing guitar music.

To solve both problems, I went for the Definition Pros. This required a separate amp and EQ in the bass. I ended up with a Crown K2 and TacT 2.2XP, which fully controls the crossover between the main and sub arrays as well as EQ potential. I drop the presence band down a few db, raise the crossover frequency from the 40 hz in the 1.5s to 65 hz and now I have a setup that will serve ALL music at ANY volume. Yes, I like girl with guitar, yes, I like Metallica, and Snoop Dogg, and heavy electronic, and yes I like to CRANK it some times. Set up this way, even my 2 watt SET amp can happily oblige.

But, it plays very well quietly which is how I normally listen. SET magic and still the ability to bring the house down. It sounds like an Aphile wet dream but it's the real deal. It's also a fairly complex setup but it's transparent, revealing, warm and honest. 20 hz to 20 khz can be as flat as you want in-room or you can choose to skew the response to taste. The subs and mains blend perfectly, as they are essentially coincident.

I'm not one to exaggerate to make a point. The reward is a setup that can be tuned to suit any reasonable listener.

And, oh, flame away all ye naysayers about that which could not be. If I had that attitude, I wouldn't have "made it".
As I stated in my earlier post, rumors abound concerning Zu speakers. The Definition is a no holds barred statement product around which no corners have been cut. It will perform quite well in your larger room and I wish I had a space that large for mine. As for spikes, I suggest you disregard any suggestion that the stock spikes are in any way inadequate. Zu would not design and build their own drivers and develop their own state of the art paint shop and create one of the coolest web sites in audio and offer a professioal version of the Definition, only to mount it on insufficient spikes. That opinion appears to eminate from a majority of one.
When you contact Zu, ask them about the Def Pro. I can't tell you if it something you'll want to try but I'm sure the Zu boys can. Good luck with your trial.
Kthomas: Aktchi - no, I don't have the speakers. I am considering taking the 60-day test drive, but would avoid even that if something about my situation and those speakers would make it an obvious misfit.

OK, in my first speed reading of your post, I misunderstood your situation and thought you were seeking help with getting most out of the speakers you already had. No problem, you have experienced people advising you here. There is no harm in contacting Zu directly either. I wouldn't expect them to say "don't bother trying our speakers" though. But thta's fair enough, because as far they are concerned, figuring out such things is what the trial is for.

What made you interested in Zu? What else is on your short list? Good luck.
macrojack, ignorance is bliss as you have shown, but then again, what could I expect. You are very naive. There are more speakers than you realize sitting upon inferior spikes...