Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Your journey in tube rolling has just begun. I have all the top rated 6sn7's. I'm happy the gray glass worked out for you. It is a beautiful sounding tube.
There are many others that might sound even better in your set-up. My go to 6sn7 tubes are the Sylvania 6sn7gt 52 bad boys. I like them even better than the over priced Tung-sol round plates.
Another tube that isn't so expensive that sound really nice are the Ken Rad staggered plates either black glass or clear glass, YMMV.

Enjoy the ride!

I'm so glad you posted.
There's a local fellow who's selling off his tube collection, which must've been huge. I asked him about 6sn7's and he replied saying that he has the following to sell. I'm curious if any of these are worth picking up:

RCA Radiotron Electron Tubes, one labeled 6SN7GT, the other GTA
Sylvania, old Yellow box
Ruby tubes

What do you tube rollers think?
Rebbi be careful most Kenrad 6SN7 are very microphonic. I would stay away from Sovtek and Ruby tubes.
My Audionote Kageki came with the brown-base RCA 6sn7s. This is a warm, lush sounding tube. I tried numerous other types, and I ended up liking the Tungsol roundplates (and copies thereof, like French Neotrons). I really did not like the metal-based Sylvanias because they are lean sounding, but, something like the Sylvanias MAY be good in a 300B amp (something much more lush sounding than a 2a3 amp like the Kageki). Currently, the amp is on loan to a friend who recently tried CV 181s (old tubes, not Chinese, but I don't know what brand) in it and liked that tube best of all in the Kageki. I have not heard the combination myself. I believe the CV 181 is not exactly a drop in replacement and draws a bit more current so keep that in mind.