Upgrading Klipsch La Scala crossovers

Am considering a vintage pair and know that "everybody" goes to custom xovers and/or wire. Where do I want to look for these things? Who's making these xovers? A google turned up little.

I'm hoping there might be somebody in the Chicago area would who would be willing to come up to SE WI to install new xovers & wire if/when I get them. I would be comfortable doing it myself (I can solder), but probably more comfortable with a pro.
Thanks for all the replies. What I've learned is that Dean's 1st-order xover are most likely best for my needs which include the Welborne 45s at around 2W. The 1st-order network provides a very easy, constant-impedance load, and furthermore I tend to prefer 1st-order networks.

I'm picking up the speakers (made in '85) next weekend and will likely order a pair of these xovers before long.

Thanks again.
If your refering to me I owned lascalas one of the best years 1967 alnico mags metal horns plus other klipsch etc, 2 watts will cause the bass to be muddy.But try if you like maybe it wont bother you.I tried many SETs with mine.2a3 300b did better but they seem to need more power than 1 would think.
Of course that is not what I want to hear right now... I thought 104dB with 1st-order networks would work quite well with 2W. You know those Welbornes have some serious iron and serious power supplies.

All I can do is try it & see. The LaScalas do not go low in the bass, of course, and I don't care for SPLs above the low 90s. I plan on sub augmentation. I'm still confident this will work quite well, but we'll see.

If you were using the stock networks that would have made quite a difference. The 1st-order networks present a much easier load.