Can we fit Dunlavy SC-VI in a samller room?

Hi Guy,

I consider to replace my SC-IV with SC-VI in a room size 13' width * 20' length * 9' Height. Can anyone here provide any recommened how to put the big speaker in to this room size or can they put?

Thanks for all comment and suggestion.
One reason Dunlavy made different marks of the SC series of speakers was to accommodate different size rooms. You really will lose a lot of what these speakers do right if you try to shoehorn them into too small a room, and I think ultimately you will find them disappointing in that application. I'd suggest you resist the temptation, there will always be another pair that shows up in the future, and maybe then you'll have the room for them. And hopefully you will also have an amplifier that can control the tremendous amount of bass that these monsters can produce.
Thank for Rives and Rcprince for very strong recommendation. Look like I need to give up this idea.

However, for the EQ and room correction equipment, I really interesting in this. Rives, would you mind that I write you the email asking about this later?

Thanks for all comment.
Chalitr: I'll be happy to answer any questions you have on the PARC. Most of it is on the website, but I'm glad to answer additional questions.

PARC on Rives Audio