burn in, break in

Would burn-in process (by playing a burn-in CD) help for speakers break in quicker?

What kind of music would help to reduce the overall burn in time? Rock, Jazz, orchestral music, ...?
As far as sound level I have read about swapping wires on one speaker so it is out of phase with the other then putting the speakers face to face. This creates a cancellation effect and allows you to add a little more volume without punishing your spouse.

Make sure you change the wire back before critical listening.
Good advice all around. Start slow and work your way up. On the other hand, just letting them purr along all day because your wife doesn't want to listen to them all day is a waste of electricity.

During break-in you are trying to loosen up the surround and the spider (inside) and you really don't do that with the 0.5mm excursions on the woofer at back-ground music levels. Better to push them harder for a couple of hours a day. Start slow, work your way up. Complete break-in may take hundreds of hours, but in most cases you'll find things sound pretty good after about 20 hours or so. They will improve with time but the improvements seem to get more incremental.

Perhaps the Tyler's are different, but I've broken in a couple of other SEAS driver speakers (Tyler uses SEAS woofers and tweeters) and you get pretty close after about a week or so of listening to them pretty hard for 2-3 hours a day.
You could play a cd on repeat ,or the radio, at a good volume all night while you sleep. This is what worked for my wife when I was breaking in a pair of speakers.