AVALON Indra ??

knows someone somewhat over the new speaker?
I meant that the Indra will be a downgrade from Opus/Opus Ceramique.

Opus was basicly a scaled down Eidolon - same tweeter and midrange, only with smaller woofer.

In the Indra, Avalon is combining the Opus midrange with woofers from their cheaper model (Ascendant) and a tweeter from their LEAST expensive speaker (NP2), so pls don't tell me that this combination will be better than the Opus.
I heard them last week in Munich with Pass X600.5 amps, Transparent wire and Hovland pre... Not the best sound possible. IMHO Indra's have a great potential and could sound far better then in Munich...
But at keast the final Indra will feature the same Accuton tweeter as Opus/Eidolon Vision (instead of the cheaper ceramic tweeter from NP2/Symbol/Ascendant).
I agree with Branimir, I was too in Munich and I think the combination was disappointing. They also kept the volume very low (outrageous) as the were afraid of something.
And Indra-Pass room had room treatment and space around them. I expected much much more.
On the other hand in a smaller room the new Gryphon Atlantis close to the wall performed many times better and with the integrated Diablo not the ~600 powerhouses that Indra had.