Wilson watt puppy 6 vs. Sophia?

I would appreciate any input on how the Wilson watt puppy 6's compare with the original sophia speakers. I am looking to upgrade from my very old KEF 105.4 speakers. Both of these would fall into the upper price range of speakers I'm considering.

FYI - I've only heard very early versions of the wilson speakers (perhaps the original watts/puppies and whamm's when I lived in columbus, OH), but I do recal being blown away. It's also clear from reading many of the discussions on this website that the Wilson speakers are considerably improved from the early versions that I listened to.

I sould mention I currently live in Alaska so that I'm somewhat limited in the equipment I can audition here.

I have heard sophias & Wilson puppies 6 in the same room & same equipment..... Watts/Puppies 6 are better everyway from the word go....no comparison. I agree with Rlawry.
Currently own WP 6.
We heard the original sophias and did not like the lower end and felt that there was an emphasis in the upper mid range. The Wilson's six also had the same emphasis but had a better bottom end. I bought the 6's but spent a year finding what I felt was a good match with a Bat tube amp. The ss amps only magnified the upper range emphasis and contrary to the common wisdom the tubes made the speaker better balance and more musical imo.