Thiel 7.2 and the 3.7

Hello Folks:

Wondering if anyone has had the early opportunity to compare the sound of these speakers. The 7.2 is the best speaker I have ever heard and judging by the buzz and company releases on the 3.7, it should be an experience.


Johnmcalpin, I hear you on the amp issue. I bought a pair of 2.2s recently just for a spare pair of background speakers and am really, really impressed by them.

In considering the 3.7s I have to factor in getting a new, larger amp. All my existing amps are rated at between 100 and 150 wpc into 8 ohms. I question whether my ML amp, even as a high current amp can drive the 3.7s. I love the sound of the 2.2s driven by the ML so would plan to also have to buy a new, much large ML amp (even used that is several thousand more to the price of the speakers).

To get these speakers, I think they would have to outperform my Wilson Audio Duettes (which are only 3 mos. old). I would then consider selling these to get these speakers. These are darn good speakers and not sure (other than in the bass) whether the Thiels will be able to top them.


Thanks again for the report. I cannot wait to hear them. From a price point perspective, my heart is set on the 7.2. I just have not heard any speakers like them and they combine all that I love in speaker. I own the 2.3's now and they were an incredible revelation over my original set of 1.5's which is where I started over 7 years ago.

With that said, Jim never ceases to amaze me with what he comes up with. So, hopefully, my favorite dealer in NYC will finally get the 3.7's in for me to audition before the end of the year.


Great to hear from Tom regarding the 3.7 and the 7.2 -- this is the sort of comparison I've been waiting for, thank you. Sounds like the 3.7 is a real advance if it can compete with the the 7.2 and yes, it also seems that in time a new updated 7.3 (or equivalent) utilizing the latest Thiel technology will push the envelope further. Tom, did you go back as you stated for another listen? If so, please do report when you get a chance.
I've been twice. These are the differences I notice between the two speakers. This is not to say (IMO) either speaker is lacking in any of these areas, just the differences between the two. The 7.2s have more midbass punch, are more detailed, and although I think the bass depth is equal on both is a little more noticable quanity with the 7.2s.
The 3.7s are warmer, and I guess some would call them more musical.( I wouldnt) They have a smoothness that they didnt have the first time I heard them. A little less upper midrange energy than the 7.2s. (that can make life a little annoying at times with the 7.2s) They have more soundstage depth (for sure) and probably width, but not sure on this one. Which blows me away because the 7.2s are great in this area. The layers of soundstage with these speakers is really very, very, good.
They offer lots of detail, but are not as resolving as the 7.2s. Because of there warmer presentation I think they will be easier to get right than the 7.2s. The bass is better than I thought after the first listen. Almost the equal to the 7.2s. With a sub they surpass the 7.2s. I have listened with and without the giant smartsub. At first I thought I would add a sub if I purchased these speakers, but not sure now. I like these speakers alot! Cant wait to hear them with tube amps.
Thanks again Tom. Any info on the accompanying gear, particularly as it relates to your experiences with the 7.2 would also be welcome, if you get the chance. Right now, you are the most informed person reporting on the new 3.7s and your comments are much appreciated.