Sounds like most of your issues are set-up issues. I don't know what Jim Smith's view of the following would be, but I heard a pair of the big JBL K2s a while back where the speakers were literally in the corners of the room, on the long wall, toed-in pretty significantly, to aim at a listening position that was about as far away as you are describing, and they sounded wonderful (using my turntable and a small ViVa integrated, which I think is more euphonic than my Lamm set-up). Taking a look at the pics of your room, and how you describe it, I'm wondering if you could experiment a little to get greater effective distance by spreading the speakers farther apart and toe-ing in more.
I would think that the 1.5 m distance that the dealer had between the speakers was not enough, and I agree that the image coheres at a listening distance greater than 9 ft, which I barely exceed in my set-up. My biggest tuning issue was not placement, though, but the right settings on the woofs, once I had the electronics and cables to my satisfaction.
I would think that the 1.5 m distance that the dealer had between the speakers was not enough, and I agree that the image coheres at a listening distance greater than 9 ft, which I barely exceed in my set-up. My biggest tuning issue was not placement, though, but the right settings on the woofs, once I had the electronics and cables to my satisfaction.