How high do subs go

Which subs go into 180 hz? Or close to it?
TacT no longer lists speakers and sub-woofers on their web site. I believe I recall hearing someone from Tact saying that their subs were unique in that they were designed (and the drivers in particular) to go to 200Hz. I do believe they were designed to be used with their digital ware though.
Acoustat6 wrote: "Hello, Not only do cheap ones go to 80hz but good ones too." Yeah but the OP asked about 180Hz, not 80Hz.

i think i remember reading that VMPS claimes their subs go to 300hz before breakup
Like Duke said: "In my opinion if you're crossing over that high you should have stereo subwoofers, and you should place them symmetrically near the main speakers"

In the case of the Tact, they actually recommend the opposite, with subs in the corners and satellites out into the room. Of course that's when used with their digital, cross-over and time compensation, etc..