Hi there,is it possible to replace some resistor from the Watt's acess panel in order to get more treble ? can it be done by myself? any information of the specification? Thank you.
What about speaker placement? It's VERY critical for Wilsons...did a dealer do the setup? If not, this maybe be your core issue...
Wilson has not switched tweeter suppliers. They use Focal tweeters. They switched woofer suppliers.
Tony007 - Thank you. I stand corrected: It appears the W/P 7 does indeed still use a Focal tweeter. My memory slipped a cog, and I thought there was a tweeter switch between the 6s and the 7s. It had not in fact happened yet. Here's some relevant discussion I dredged up:

A little off topic, but I am wonder whether you could tell me the color of the WilsonGloss on your Watt's? Thanks