Transparency: What speakers have it in spades?

When I got my Spendor SP3/1P speakers a few months ago, I discovered what transparency really meant. I've never been able to hear "through" any speakers like I can with these. True aural "Windex." I wouldn't mind having some of that crystal clarity in a speaker that goes a bit lower, offering more of a bass foundation for orchestral music. The larger Spendors are obvious choices.

But what speakers have you heard that have struck you as being particularly transparent? THANKS.
JM Reynaud Trentes have a sound similar to Spendor and go down to 42hz, they have tremendous clarity. A true gem.
The Harbeth HL-5 Super would be something to consider. The Radial driver is more revealing than the Spendors but manages the same authentic tonality and laid back presentation. They go fairly deep as well.
Add a sub!!!

Maggies with a sub in the RIGHT room, clearance to the walls front, sides, ceiling disapper better than most but lack a little in dynamics in the mid/lower bass. Add a sub.