Its more useful to discuss the order in which one tackles these things.
For best results fastest, you always want to get the biggest issues resolved first.
That is the amp/speaker/room domain That makes it very important to get this area all right together first.
Only then you are in a position to judge whats upstream further for its "sound quality", much of which is a very personal and highly subjective decision making process, hence the interest shown there by many.
But first thing is first. Tackle the biggest issues first! That's basic engineering best practice. You have to get the biggest nuts and bolts right first before sweating the details, no matter how important those are as well. In the case of a home audio system, that is the amp/speaker/room "subsystem".
Other ways might work out in the end but will take longer and likely end up costing more total.
In some cases, like with a single source with volume control, you could well end up with no pre-amp. Or if more than one source, possibly an inexpensive passive pre-amp that frees up money for elsewhere where truly needed.
For best results fastest, you always want to get the biggest issues resolved first.
That is the amp/speaker/room domain That makes it very important to get this area all right together first.
Only then you are in a position to judge whats upstream further for its "sound quality", much of which is a very personal and highly subjective decision making process, hence the interest shown there by many.
But first thing is first. Tackle the biggest issues first! That's basic engineering best practice. You have to get the biggest nuts and bolts right first before sweating the details, no matter how important those are as well. In the case of a home audio system, that is the amp/speaker/room "subsystem".
Other ways might work out in the end but will take longer and likely end up costing more total.
In some cases, like with a single source with volume control, you could well end up with no pre-amp. Or if more than one source, possibly an inexpensive passive pre-amp that frees up money for elsewhere where truly needed.