Best Powered Monitors

I´m loocking for powered Monitors. Please let me know your opinion about Adam, Genelec or Dynaudio. How Pro-audio monitors sound in comparation with Hi-End monitors ?
I heard a pair of Genelec and they sound very well. I think that I must spend a lot of money to get this sound in a Hi- End system.
Thank you for your opinions.
There is a comment in this thread that hi-end enthusiasts don't usually like pro audio components. Why is that?

They tend to be revealing, harsh, clinical and inflexible - often designed to hear into the mix. They make an excellent choice for critical listening. A good recording will sound extremely good but a bad one may be revealed to be bad - warts and all. Many enthusiasts like to color the sound to their individual tastes and to have something they can really call their own. Many professionals want something accurate and standard that can be relied upon for consistent reproduction at any SPL level - this means what they hear can translate to other systems and still sound as intended.

If you accept higher expert authority (i.e. Artists and Presitigious Studios use XYZ active speakers => so they must be OK), then go for it! If you trust your own senses and want them to be the final judge/expert then a mix/match system tailored to your tastes may be a better investment.

Remember that many studios and high end professional system are in bespoke acoustically treated facilities. This probably ensures that these type speakers perfrom their best. In the wrong untreated room, active speakers may be disappointing compared to someting appropriately colored.
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I had mackie 824 in home stereo enviornment. Did a lot of things well, but after awhile I had less desire to go listen and enjoy. Now I am very happy with quad 12L active. They seem to translate on a more emotional level if that makes any sense. I would not describe them as laid back, although they are not edgy or aggressive in their presentation.
I would like to try adam A7 in my room to compare
I have Genelec and ATC. Genelec is more colored and easier to live with. The ATC's are ruthlessly revealing. However, with the proper ancillaries, the ATC are wonderful.

What is your budget? At $500 max,look for Yamaha MSP 5(avoid anything else).At $1000-KRK vxt 6-8,Yamaha MSP 7,Event asp 8.Mackie HR are worth checking too.Adam A7 are very revealing,due to the ribbon tweeter.Also check the new JBL 2xxx series.Between $1000 and $2000-Focal CMS 65,Quested S8.Above $2000-Focal and Genelec,s are very good.You,ll need subwoofers.Check the new line of Epik sealed subs.2 studio monitors+2 subs can sound very,very good.TREAT YOUR ROOM ACOUSTICS(bass traps on all corners+multiband on the reflection points).Good luck.