Sonus Faber Amati Homage vs Thiel 7.2

I currently own the SF Amatis, and a pair of 7.2 have come up for sale. I know the Amatis are worth more retail than the 7.2s. But for me the retail value dosen't always reflect how much I like the sound. I understand the 7.2 are Thiel's top flagship speaker and the Amatis are SF's 2nd. I am unable to audition the 7.2's because there's not any retailers selling them, and I don't know anyone with a pair.
Has anyone compared these 2 speakers? I know it's hard, but can someone please describe the sound of the 7.2s to me.
After reading a Sterophile review of the Amatis back in 99, I knew I had to have a pair, and after getting them, I was pleased, but still think that speakers could sound better. My main problem with the Amatis is that although they're clear, very dynamic (can hear every sound), have exceptional imaging, and can be played very loud, I find the mids quite thin. Thin in that everyone's voices seem higher than they are. I guess I lik the dark rich Barry White sytle vocals.
Because of my percieved lack of mid range in the vocal abilities of the Amatis, I thought the 7.2s might do better in this category.
Your comments are appreciated.

My Thiel 7.2 is not lean at all with great midrange and full body. It can sound very thick, depending on the gears you have. I suggest tube preamp and high power solid state with the Thiel 7.2. So have you tried anything yet to tweak out the Amati?
My Thiel 7.2 is not lean at all with great midrange and full body. It can sound very thick, depending on the gears you have. I suggest tube preamp and high power solid state with the Thiel 7.2. So have you tried anything yet to tweak out the Amati?

At the moment I'm finding the midrange in the Amatis very thin and light. I'm not sure if they are meant to sound like that or not. Especailly at higher volumes. I recall my brother used to have a system with SF Extrema driven by Krell KSA300, Levinson pre, and Wadia cd, and the sound was exceptional. I'd had hoped the mid of the Amatis would be the same if not better.

My main point is if the Extrema can work so well with solid state, then I shouldn't have to move to tube with the Amatis. I know it's stubbon, but there are enough speakers out there that I'm sure I can find one which works the way I want with solid state gear.
However it sounds like neither the Amatis or the 7.2s match those.

I have tried positioning the speakers as others have suggested, but it made a difference to the imaging, but not really the tone. I think I also have a problem with the room.
At low or moderate volumes the Amatis actually sound alright. I just want to play it very loud, which I recall the Extremas were able to do.

I guess I'll keep looking. I quite enjoy the road to finding the ideal system.
At the moment I'm finding the midrange in the Amatis very thin and light. I'm not sure if they are meant to sound like that or not. Especailly at higher volumes
They are not meant to sound like that. If anything, you should be getting a slight prominence in the lower mids /midbass and the upper mids (hence yr perception that there is "LESS/LACK of" vocal midrange)

It reads like your amp is running out of juice or s/thing else upward in the chain or all of the above...

At low or moderate volumes the Amatis actually sound alright.
Amplification matter, clearly. Just borrow another amp with higher output specs and try it out.
I don't think it's the amp running out of juice. I've had the same Bryston 4BST driving other speakers including the Charios with the dark thick midrange. The Amatis are very efficient speakers, and if anything should require less power. There are a handful of songs which does sound very nice on the Amatis, in fact the songs which sound good sound sublime! And with those songs you can drive the very loud indeed. However with 90% of my music, it just dosen't sound right at all, there just seems to be a huge lack in midrange.

One thing is clear from everyone's response though. That the Amatis are more or less a faultless speaker especially in the midrange, so the problem I'm having lies somewhere else. Looking for that somewhere else is the tricky part.