Large Advent Fried Egg Tweeters

Being a poor student and tinkerer, I tend to deal in vintage audio for my hifi and recently picked up a pair of Large Advents. I refoamed the woofers and resealed the boxes and am now listening to then to decide if they stand to replace my EPI 200s. At first I wasnt impressed with their sound in my livingroom but when I moved them up to my bedroom and sat much closer, they sound completely different. The clarity is quite nice in this smaller environment, especially the bass being much tighter than my 200s (passive radiator). However, it seems that I am missing the high end of cymbals and sibilants dont have the same presence as I am used to. Do the fried egg tweeters age and lose their upper frequencies or is this how the speaker was designed? Another possibility is that I am just used to the EPI inverted dome tweeters that push extreme upper frequencies so well. Has anybody else come across dull sounding Advents and found a cure?
check with for advise on thoese fried eggs. the large advents still rock.
I agree the Advents are not the last word in high end extension but have beautiful midrange tone and is a nicely balanced speaker.

I owned a pair of EPI 100s and they are good but a little thin in the high end for my taste and would take large Advents over them.

You might want to check out this link.

The guys there are really into the old "New England" sounding speakers such as Advents, EPI, AR, ect and could probably answer your questions about your Advents "fried egg tweeter" and how to get better high frequency extention out of them.

Good luck in your quest.
I hear the cymbals quite clearly on my advents. The electrolytics probably need replacing. If you get the tweeter at ear level that helps. For a larger room you can get a second pair and stack them tweeter to tweeter which seems to bring out the midrange a bit. It also depends on if you run them with the switch in extended position. The late model 80's advents (5002) used soft domes. You could pick up a pair on fleabay and try them but I bet changing caps will satisfy ya.

Good luck