Sistrum under VonSchweikert VR-4JR

Is anybody using Sistrum plarforms under VSA VR-4JRs?
What model? Could you, please share your impressions.
I've been doing a lot of experimenting with various support systems ( Mapleshade cones, maple platforms, Herbie's footers and the combinations of the above).
Without going into much details, I should say, that the differencies are rather drastic and unexpected. The only thing I should state is, that I was much less concerned with this issue before I tried a few options.
I want to try Sistrum now, their concept "sounds" interesting.
Speakers are on carpet over concrete.
If you want to do what I did with the Paragons,you will hear a substantial improvement across the audio spectrum.You may view my virtual system and you will see sistrum 101 under the subs and sp0004 under the monitors.If you think that the vr4 's sound good now! Just wait until they get supercharged by the Sistrum. What the stands do for audio is truly a fundemental improvement-Cheers Dennis
No Larry is not a dealer. He does however have much experience with those speakers...lead shot and other fill...and the benefits of no fill and proper grounding. Tom
I hear you. The problem is, that only SP-004 will fit under VR-4JRs. (or two of them). SP-1 and 101 are too wide. Speaker is only 9.5" wide and 20" deep. Do you think one 004 is too small? It's only 13 " deep.
I think that the 004 would fit nicely and the fact that it is shorter shouldn't effect the performance.The difference between having one and not using one is profound.Imaging and dynamics will be improved by a substantial margin and you will wonder how you ever thought the former ( non sistrum was listenable).Please try it and see if you can send them back to starsound if they don't work.Robert is a real pleasure to work with and knows his products.Good luck Dennis
Also replace the stock feet( bottom unit) with the larger ones.Robert should know what sizes you need and they will improve over OEM because Starsound has propreitary brass formula.I think you will be pleasantly schocked-Dennis