Horning Speakers Good or Great

I'm interested in hearing about opinions about Horning Speakers. Would they work well in a room 11x18 and close to the walls

I've auditioning varous speaker desgins and the Hornings are a speaker I would like to know more about
Unfortunately I have no way of listening to these myself and looking for public opinion

My sonic preferences are a very natural sound and highly musical presentation. Ideally the speaker would have a small footprint

Bass while important,lack of deep low end can be compromised provide the speaker is both highly musical and natural sounding
Personally, I think Horny speakers are Great, though they can sound a bit too Hot if you use solid-Stating amplification...
I'm starting to think I would like to Re word my question

I'm interested in hearing what other's think about these speakers and if they will work well in a room like mine
For the record i'm using Valves as Amplification
Would these work well in a medium sized room and close to the walls ?
Hi Musicfile,

Sorry about my earlier flippant response. Actually, I'm not very familiar with the Horning speaker line. I can say that most horn-type speakers seem to favor tube amplification.

I assume you're intending to put the speakers on the short 11-ft wall. They may work all right like that, but I'd definitely contact the manufacturer to get their thoughts on the matter.

Good luck to you!