Jolida 502A - Other owners, what speakers?

Got a Jolida 502A on the way and I need to get some speakers. What is everyone else with this amp using for speakers? I realize that my music taste, source and room layout will factor in but, if possible, I'd like a short list of what I should audition. Will probably be paired with a Pioneer DV-05 for now until I can get a Rega Planet Orig/2000. Thanks.
If still of interest to you, Mskeen, I am using a 502B w/KT88s to drive Totem Forests. Sounds great to me.
Thanks for the kind words Cleaneduphippy.

I have several customers running the Jolida / Usher combination with most combinations using the Usher 718 or 719. This is an exceptional match according to the feedback.

A few are running with the Usher 6-series as well and having no problems. I have a few owners of the modified Jolida units or 3205 units wanting to try out the new BE-718 due to be released soon. I will be eager to hear their comments.
You're welcome, Bill and thank you for sharing your audio experiences and knowledge not only here on Audiogon but also on other audio sites. I've learned quite a bit from your postings.

Anyway, back to subject at hand. Recently have retired my old Boston A-60s and am now using a pair of Madisound AR.Com speakers with the updated crossovers. Also, have replaced the power tubes in my 502A from Svetlanas to Tungsol 6550s. It's turning out to be a very nice sounding combination of the two.
Cleaneduphippy, While the speakers are nice, I think you are in for a real treat should you decide to move onto the Usher line. Any of their X-Series or 6-Series would be a very good match. Let us know what you decide and happy listening!
Hey Bill,

I was considering going with Usher, but unfortunately, the nearest dealer I could find was in Richmond, Va (a 100 miles away, one way) and he himself was having problems with getting speakers from Usher (some sort of problems with Customs) that seem to be affecting all the Usher dealers in the US. I'm enjoying the speakers and an quite amazed what it can do especially at the price I paided for them. ($250). I'm sure in the future, I'll move on to some better speakers and definely will keep the Usher line in mind. btw, Bill, I was under the impression that you had dropped the Usher line.