what's under your Parsifals?

I am enjoying a new pair of Parsifal Encores, using the standard brass cones that come w/ the speaker.

Wondering what you use under your Parsifal? some I've seen use the Stillpoint platform, some Symposium, but I'm also wondering if just changing out the standard brass spikes with something like the audiopoints will make a nice improvement? i'm looking for a cheap tweak now, with a plan to save for a better shelf or platform later...


I changed the stock spikes out for a set of Audio Point AP-A's, they made a nice improvement.
I also found that the Symposium Svelte shelf between the woofer and mid/tweeter module, in place of the granite slab, made a nice improvement.
I've been told that the Sistrum Platforms are even better than the Audio Points, but I'm afraid of scratching the beautiful finish on the Parsifal's.

BTW, welcome to the club! Great speakers aren't they? One other tweak that may interest you is a set of Walker Audio Reference HDL's.

Enjoy the tunes,
