Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors

Anyone listened? I listened to the Mira's, but the Monitor is apparently new. Anyone seen or heard them yet?

Really nice sounding stuff, albeit expensive as heck. Miras are $13500, the new monitor is $5800.

Just curious if there are any Rockport owners out there, or if anyone is looking purchasing.
While I am not an owner, I have had the opportunity to listen to a handful of speakers that claim to be among the best in the world. Namely, a couple of the Wilson Audio speakers, including the X-2' and the WP8's. While the Wilson speakers are top notch, after listening to the Mira's and knowing how much they cost, it has to be the best deal in audio. They play loud and deep, measure really flat, have a super smooth and detailed top-end, and have exceptional finish quality, regardless of the MDF cabinet. Andy has figured a way to remove the cabinet from the sound reproduction process and what remains is a sound that not many speakers can touch. I think it may be the best speaker I have ever heard, and I have not had the chance to listen to Rockports flagship speaker, yet!
Holenneck (Interesting moniker, btw.)

If you get a chance to hear the bigger Rockport speakers, take it. My friend just got the Antares, and geez, are these great speakers. He upgraded from the Avalon Eidolons, (which I used to think were the imaging and soundstaging champs), but the Antares are even better. These speakers literally disappear. And the bass response is unbelievable! Deep tight bass all the way down to 20 hz, and yet not even a hint of boomines! Impressive is all I have to say.

If I had the cash, I know what speakers I would be getting!
I may hold out for a listen to the Monitors which should be at the dealer in 3 weeks or so. These are really nice, and a very special speaker.