Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors

Anyone listened? I listened to the Mira's, but the Monitor is apparently new. Anyone seen or heard them yet?

Really nice sounding stuff, albeit expensive as heck. Miras are $13500, the new monitor is $5800.

Just curious if there are any Rockport owners out there, or if anyone is looking purchasing.
I have owned the Antares for several years, and have had no interest, whatsoever, in looking into other speakers since. They have been for me what I dreamt they would be when I stretched my budget (considerably!) to buy them: a final speaker (after 30 years or so of upgradeitis). I have not heard the Miras (or Monitors), but suggest you give them serious consideration. Andy Payor knows what he's doing.
thanks for the info...I may just do that, although I am not very patient. The only problem, which is a small one, is that his stuff does not have wood finishes, which in our home we prefer. But good sound can supercede aesthetix.
I have just purchased a pair of Rockport Mira speakers and hope to receive delivery soon. I currently own Avalon Arcus and wanted something that was much more dynamic, had a firmer bottom end, but also displayed the musicality and soundstaging of the Avalon. I auditioned the Avalon Opus in my home and also heard Eggleston, Sonus Faber, and one or two others at dealers. A week long in-home audition of the Mira sold me. It has the features I was looking for, but it has something else that is hard to describe. When listening to an orchestra, it actually seems like there are different sections, each three dimensional, and with space between each musician. Rather astounding.
Alun - I took a look at the Rockport website ( and didn't see the Monitors. I can only assume that they are too new, and information hasn't been posted there yet. I would suggest calling Rockport. The phone number is on the website, but I wrote it down while I was there: 207-596-7151

Good luck!