Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors

Anyone listened? I listened to the Mira's, but the Monitor is apparently new. Anyone seen or heard them yet?

Really nice sounding stuff, albeit expensive as heck. Miras are $13500, the new monitor is $5800.

Just curious if there are any Rockport owners out there, or if anyone is looking purchasing.
Heard the Brinkmann integrated on a couple of occasions. Only 70 watts into 8ohm but the sound was VERY good.
Still haven't seen anything on the Mira monitor yet but man those Merak II's are the nicest monitor I've ever seen.
I saw and heard the Mira Monitor, very nice. But I can't for get past that they just seem like they were designed for a HT application, and I don't like the stands.

They sound nice though, but to me you can do better for the $$.
hey guys, read this review of the Mira on the site, thought i would post the link.